12/17/15 - The spiritual idea is here and now

TEXT: (excerpt from Christmas Sermon by Mary Baker Eddy)

And what of this child? — "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder." This child, or spiritual idea, has evolved a more ready ear for the overture of angels and the scientific understanding of Truth and Love. When Christ, the incorporeal idea of God, was nameless, and a Mary knew not how to declare its spiritual origin, the idea of man was not understood. The Judaean religion even required the Virgin-mother to go to the temple and be purified, for having given birth to the corporeal child Jesus, whose origin was more spiritual than the senses could interpret. Like the leaven that a certain woman hid in three measures of meal, the Science of God and the spiritual idea, named in this century Christian Science, is leavening the lump of human thought, until the whole shall be leavened and all materialism disappear. This action of the divine energy, even if not acknowledged, has come to be seen as diffusing richest blessings. This spiritual idea, or Christ, entered into the minutiae of the life of the personal Jesus. It made him an honest man, a good carpenter, and a good man, before it could make him the glorified.

DISCUSSION POINTS - how does these relate to us here, now, this Christmas:

whose origin was more spiritual than the senses could interpret

leavening the lump of human thought, until the whole shall be leavened and all materialism disappear

This spiritual idea, or Christ, entered into the minutiae of the life of the personal Jesus. It made him an honest man, a good carpenter, and a good man, before it could make him the glorified.