Acts Chapter 1 - The Ascension
Acts Chapter 2 - The Pentecost
Acts Chapter 3 - Peter and John heal the man lame from birth
Acts Chapter 4 - Peter and John defend themselves before the council
Acts Chapter 5 - Ananias and Sophira cheat God and suffer the consequences
Acts Chapter 6 - Stephen heals and preaches mightily and is accused
Acts Chapter 7 - Stephen defends himself but is stoned to death
Acts Chapter 8 - Philip converts the Ethiopian eunich
Acts Chapter 9 - Saul's conversion and calling
Acts Chapter 10 - Peter converts Cornelius a Gentile
Acts Chapter 11 - Peter convinces disciples that Gentiles are to be included
Acts Chapter 12 - Peter escapes from prison and converts the jailer and family
Acts Chapter 13 - Paul and Barnabas sent out to the Gentiles
Acts Chapter 14 - Paul heals a cripple from birth; celebrated then stoned, but rises up
Acts Chapter 15 - Paul corrects misconception that circumcision required to follow Christ