Following Jesus is a spiritual path, nothing less - 2
The Way is not the Destination
Pure in heart?
Greatest desire - a holy thing
Peter - Rock or Satan?
Great Awakening? Watch out for God’s law of progress
The demands of God appeal to thought only
"invisible" matter that secretly powers our universe??
Meekness the highest intelligence, arrogance not so much
The moral basis of existence
Spiritual freedom - not what you may think
Judge not in order to communicate
What is against the knowledge of God and why does it matter?
God requires the past
Divine vs human - reconciliation?
God did not make man out of dust!!
Life not death inevitable - 2
Lie of God's creation corrected
Breaking down the wall of physics
I am because Thou art
Root cause of chronic anxiety and depression legitimate? - republished
The kingdom of God within us??
Law of Adversity
Being good not goal of Christian - republished
Man’s extremity God’s opportunity. Why?
“As in Christ” spiritual “as in Adam” material
Seeing spiritually vs materially
Does God really exist? Who’s asking?
Eternity not a long time at all
Romans 8 - a spiritual guide, truly Christian
New Covenant - Law without enforcement?
Become as a little child
Humility costly but brings true security
Spiritual Progress Is Following Christ
Father's Day - Is it Christian? Jesus' admonition
Being good is not the goal of the Christian
False prophets are nothing new
Can superstition and science merge?
Free will and law
Voices of spring to listen to
Picture worth a lot of words
Profiling, pretending - two sides to same bad penny
Has liberty lost its luster?
Unanswered Questions
A jealous God is a loving God
Material thought or spiritual?
Prayer vs Watching
The bane of tyranny; the champion of freedom
Honesty is spiritual power, freedom from anxiety
The Narrative Stultifies Thinking, Leads to Enslavement
Oneness, A Timely Consideration
Let's get rid of racism - it's not complicated
When God is more than a church belief
With empirical knowledge and reason who needs prayer?
A merry heart like a medicine?
01/13/16 - What does brick and mortar do for a church?
Any moral aspect to coronavirus?
What is it about perfect love that casts out fear?
Can we progress with a concept of God unchanged?
In God we trust. Where is accountability?
Be absent from the body; Walk by faith, not by sight?
Why is Christianity waning in the West?
Gratitude feels good, ingratitude does not - why?
Why is creation so magnificent?
Be this the stars of our night
The matter illusion - glass half empty
Can the invisible be trusted?
Why did Jesus leave no record of himself?
Can reading or listening interfere with communion?
Being born again is bye bye to pride of life
What is your God, believe it or not?
Compassion and entitlement like oil and water
Where should prayer leave us?
Toxic politics detoxed!
Thoughts for the New Year
Christmas Challenge
What the internet search can teach us
World problems? The ONLY answer
Following Jesus is a spiritual path, nothing less
No-one gets away with anything, ever!
One God obliterates partisanship
Superficial religion the veil?
Can you be sick or sinning in the Kingdom of God?
The Kingdom of God within us?
God is a consuming fire - how?
Finding our preeminent manhood/womanhood
Antidote for the arrogance of man
Spirituality the only Christianity
Dissolving the hate bubble
Good intentions pave the road to hell?
Why self-satisfaction is death to progress
Protection against fake-news
Love is not optional
In search of a reliable guidance system
Hatred in the world - what to do?
Root cause of chronic anxiety and depression legitimate?
Religion or spirituality
If success is largely the result of luck...
Humanism vs Christianity
Sexual abuse and harassment - what's up with that?
Scientific Proof is a Myth - hmmm
Thanksgiving - grateful for cause or effect?
Is God peripheral?
Can understanding stunt spiritual growth?
Crucifixion God's will?
Is devotion outmoded? No. Just misunderstood.
News of violence - what to do?
One consciousness, one universe
Linear thinking shuts out divine Mind
Daily meditation - a right sense
Jesus died for our sins - what does it even mean?
Factual or not, belief does not cut it
Moral equivalency the mantra of arrogance?
Lesson from the eclipse
Repent! does not mean to grovel, but to change
For God's sake - in a new light
Relentless masters? Get them out of here!
You never know...
How can people be so stupid?
Depravity of man - who is to blame?
Turk's Cap Lily - you've got to be kidding!!
Follow your dreams?
"It must have been his time." Thanks a lot!
WYSIWYG explains it all!
Warning on trail of life
Hardened heart? Self-check
July 4th - War of ideas? Nonsense!
Where do we find a man of God?
2nd Commandment so much more!
Great Spangled Fritillary butterfly - Principle and idea
Mistaken tolerance a disease
Health care? Check the oil
What is the grace of God?
Trying to know is an oxymoron
What happens to a society that pooh-poohs sin?
Let's get rid of racism
Are you ready for something better?
Higher education ought to bring humility
Moral basis - what do you value most?
Which are more important, facts or morals?
Halt the falling away!
A powerful injection of truth
The minefield of hypocrisy circumvented
Be careful who you listen to!
Baptism preps for listening better
Material history enslaves; spiritual development frees
In God we trust - if not, then in whom
Practical examples of materialism and spirituality
Fairness in the world a moral dilemma - a satisfying alternative
Am I the place where God shines through?
An exercise in thought expansion
Universal Love has no gradations
Diseased? Rise in rebellion!
Building on sand or rock?
Life not death is inevitable
Reasonableness can hide truth
Why does he/she not get it?
How does order become chaos?
Evolution of man a dangerous myth
The greatest thing in the world
Tyranny? the people's voice will not be denied
How much do you practise Truth?
Study the letter means what?
Emotionalism is not our friend during the Holiday Season
Imbibing the spirit is not passive
Spiritual nature neither inherited nor taught
Has God evolved?
Identity outside of God a mistake
Man declaring I am God ultimates in self-destruction
Principle or love - a balancing act?
How is your immune system?
Is the flesh or the Spirit represented in me?
Vague realities of human conclusions
Knowing the percentages or knowing the truth?
Getting to the root of corruptibility
Some Objections Answered - S&H
Nobody gets away with anything EVER - where is mercy?
God is not looking for yes-men
Without a universal God, tolerance impossible
When all else fails, sing a hymn
A challenge to those who wish to help others
Exalting ordeal - spiritual growth
Any higher Christianity than this?
What does it take to be receptive to the healing Spirit?
Where does death leave us?
False prophet - playing God
What defines a Christian?
How to discern cheap metaphysics
I did not choose to be here. Now what?
Inspiration on demand
Love always faileth? I Corinthians 13 revisited
A Guilty Conscience - the ultimate psyche-out?
A poem you have never heard before
Getting rid of storage units and obesity
Where is my God?
Adam Smith and Jesus?
A prayer for the social/economic upheaval of the world
Watch in making a decision
Why experts fail as know-it-alls
Does it even matter what others think of us?
When is religion dangerous?
Mountain stream inspires
The danger of family traits
Which is more real to you? The material or the spiritual?
Why bother with the will of God?
Doing because you are supposed to is a state of weakness
Jesus knew what was in man - so should we!
Vengeance belongs to God?
Closer than the air we breathe?
Virtual reality - really?
The status quo is always wrong
Muckety mucks wouldn't listen anyway
Moral idiocy in high places
Good people beware!
What can we do to help?
Sinners are never saved?
The Christian entitled? Nonsense!
Not IF but WHEN we are tempted
Jehoshaphat part 2 - consensus useless without honesty
Lesson from Jehoshaphat
Change is constant - why resist?
Does God answer prayer or is it will-worship?
Does consciousness get tired or sick?
Principle operates to liberate
What is our end game?
False sense of responsibility a bugger
How loving prayer can be hatred
Consciousness? What of it?
Tips on studying
How meditation, studying can be counterproductive
Tit for Tat is not of Love
Possession nine tenths of the law
Has your concept of God ever changed?
Independence Day sobriety test
There is always something you can do
Should we be able to sense the approach of danger?
We have not yet seen the half of it!
How to speak so that it counts for something
How can thought drop?
Mentally trying to make things happen is bad news
The precious example of Hannah
Double-mindedness litmus test
Smooth sailing is anathema to progress
The more you have, the more is required of you
Look who's talking
Intangible less real is back-assward
Love is supply meeting demand
Can universal love and intolerance co-exist?
Are robots driving us to Spirit?
Am I trying to please the Man upstairs?
Where is God on Mother's Day?
When religion impedes spiritual growth
If God is love, does He love?
Devil in the details?
What is my truth detector?
Jealous love cannot be good, right?
How to respond to news downers
What to do with a premonition
Am I willing to change?
Is religion a choice?
How to gain purity
Just how important is motive?
Effortless progress?
What's my purpose?
How to think?
Charity or nothing!
Who is born of God and cannot sin?
How can God deny a good person?
Thumbs down to fashionable idolatry
Self-awareness just does not work here
Beatitudes and fulfilling the law
Where is thy God?
What is it that gets cut off?
Personal sense wrong every time
Guilt-trips forbidden
Can the infinite just sit there forever?
My notes on Biocentrism
How do you treat someone who is wrong?
Why do so few get it?
If God knows evil...
What chance have we?
Is food really the problem?
The law to adversity
Enough with the accusations!
Breaking a hypnotic spell
Is it possible to try to know?
Thought control?
Nothing new in the human condition
Respecting person a sin?
No Truth needed at a Super Bowl party?
Living it instead of believing in it
Truth makes us free from what?
Who can I trust?
Fresh look at a tiresome subject!
How does one differentiate between good and evil?
What to make of nasty events and people?
Muslim threat?
THE most annoying thing
Soul outside the body
How comes hypocrisy?
The Good Samaritan a Christian ideal
Would I recognize Christ if I saw him?
Overcoming bad personality traits
Am I on the right path?
Happiness is a choice
Globalization - conspiracy or natural course?
Hard-coding impedes spiritual growth
God is love. Is love God?
Ultimate antidote for loneliness and desolation
Science practical? More faith in God than in man required
Democratic process or a few “smart” people
Destroying belief instead of bowing down and worshipping it
Joy and gratitude, now or never
Is Jesus God or not?
I do what is right. Why is my prayer not answered?
Security beyond human conception
The bad die, the good live (Ez 18)?
Regret is devil-talk - watchfulness needed
Peace on earth, good will towards men - revisited
Prophetic warning?
Why Godless good is deadly
Why individualism is so important
Not what you think but what you are that counts
Who can argue with this?
In memory - Martin Luther King Jr
Inauguration - One God in operation
Why is collectivism incompatible with a universal God?