{jumi [playerLink.php] [SH-Objections-Answered/sh342-Objection1.mp3][Objection 1 - This Science is unchristian]}
{jumi [playerLink.php] [SH-Objections-Answered/sh344-Objection2.mp3][Objection 2 - Healing in Christ’s name is heresy]}
{jumi [playerLink.php] [SH-Objections-Answered/sh344-Objection3.mp3][Objection 3 - It is sacrilegious to assume that God did not create matter, sin, sickness, and death]}
{jumi [playerLink.php] [SH-Objections-Answered/sh345-Objection4.mp3][Objection 4 - Christian Science contains many contradictions]}
{jumi [playerLink.php] [SH-Objections-Answered/sh346-Objection5.mp3][Objection 5 - If sin, sickness, and death are nothing, why heal them?]}
{jumi [playerLink.php] [SH-Objections-Answered/sh348-Objection6.mp3][Objection 6 - Christian Science is irreverent]}
{jumi [playerLink.php] [SH-Objections-Answered/sh349-Objection7.mp3][Objection 7 - The language used in the textbook does not make sense]}
{jumi [playerLink.php] [SH-Objections-Answered/sh350-Objection8.mp3][Objection 8 - It is presumptuous to expect God to heal sickness]}
{jumi [playerLink.php] [SH-Objections-Answered/sh352-Objection9.mp3][Objection 9 - We should be afraid of what sickness can do to us]}
{jumi [playerLink.php] [SH-Objections-Answered/sh354-Objection10.mp3][Objection 10 - It is absurd to suppose we are to overcome material life, substance, and mind]}
{jumi [playerLink.php] [SH-Objections-Answered/sh355-Objection11.mp3][Objection 11 - The teachings of Christian Science are the most egregious fallacies ever offered for acceptance]}
{jumi [playerLink.php] [SH-Objections-Answered/sh358-Objection12.mp3][Objection 12 - Whatever healing occurs in Christian Science is the result of faith in the healer]}
{jumi [playerLink.php] [SH-Objections-Answered/sh360-Objection13.mp3][Objection 13 - It is blasphemous to suggest that Jesus is not God.]}