After a heavy rainfall, the mountain streams are especially alive. Is there a more beautiful, refreshing sound than the water rushing over the rocks. As I stop to listen and feel, I can see how pantheism draws some folks in - it seems so expressive, so intelligent - the water and rocks combining to create such harmony. Then Psalm 42 comes to mind: "As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God.” This is the spirit with which we approach Truth - vital, fresh, urgent, exciting. “Truth drives error out of all selfhood.” (S&H)
The cleansing effect of the mountain stream! Interestingly, the water does not stop and consider. It flows on. So with our awareness of Truth. “The law of Life, Truth, and Love is a law of instant and complete expulsion and elimination of all the impurities and poisons from the system. Why? Because Life, Truth, and Love, are pouring and surging through consciousness, uplifting, purifying, nourishing, healing, elevating, sustaining and energizing mankind.” (MBE)