Breaking down the wall of physics

We live in a time where physics is predominant and empiricism is king. When the basis of our faith is a good, perfect, all-powerful God, Spirit, we are met with a brick wall in physics. Physics rests upon a material view of the man and the universe where good and evil are equally legitimate, Spirit is inconceivable, and God can only be imagined as man’s likeness.

This apparent contradiction is presented in the two creations found in Genesis 1 and 2. The first is spiritual and perfect, the second, material and very imperfect. One has absolutely nothing to do with the other. Man made from dust is certainly not the image and likeness of God, Spirit!

Physics providing no support for our faith, we may look to Jesus, “the master metaphysician.”  His words and deeds were beyond physics, based entirely upon his heavenly Father: “Ye cannot serve both God and mammon.” “Seek ye first the kingdom of God.” “Be ye perfect even as the Father in heaven is perfect.” His miracles were in defiance of the laws physics. He was in the business of destroying sin, disease and death, not coping with them, because they deny a good, all-powerful God.

How might we apply this divine metaphysics when confronted with a bad situation? Rather than descending into the rat hole of analyzing evil and being drawn into fear and self-doubt, the metaphysician’s first question is, “Did God make this?” The answer is a definitive “No” because it is impossible for good to produce bad, for a God who is love to produce the opposite of Himself. Furthermore, with no God to support it, the bad has no life, intelligence, substance to support it, because these are the sole purview of God. On this solid platform of divine metaphysics where there is "no variableness nor shadow of turning," we can deal with the bad situation with a loving God as head of the procession instead of fear.

The only thing the bad situation has going for it is empirical evidence, evidence provided by the physical senses. Jesus never bowed down to empirical evidence. He turned to his heavenly Father and spoke and acted as he was led. Is Jesus’ example worth anything to us? Why would a Christian rely on that which, in essence, denies that God exists?

Note that divine metaphysics magnifies God as love, beautifully captured in the following: “Love inspires, illumines, designates, and leads the way.” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy)

For a more thorough and practical presentation of this subject,  see/listen to this superb chapter on Prayer.