God did not make man out of dust!!

Did God make man of dust, confine him in a material body subject to physical laws which have no moral basis? Did He endow man with physical senses which enable man to experience a material world around him, and which subject him to sin, disease, and death, but are insensible to God, his creator, and to his spiritual heritage?

This misunderstanding of what God created is the result of missing the designation “the Lord God” as the creator of the dust man - the Lord God being man-made in his own imperfect image, and not the original, perfect God referred to in the first chapter of Genesis.

Only imperfect mortal man could conceive of such a moral contradiction as fleshly man the outcome of Spirit. An allegory which illustrates this contradiction, is found in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, where a patient/prisoner has been faithful to the divine law of loving his neighbor as himself, but has been arrested for not eating regularly or getting enough rest. This latter physical law trumps the law of God and he is condemned to die. Only when the trial is moved to a higher court and the contradiction is identified and cast out is the patient saved.

We highly recommend perusal of “The Trial”, as the allegory has come to be known - it is witty, insightful, devastating to human pride, and quite brilliant!