Love always faileth? I Corinthians 13 revisited

I Corinthians 13 revisited.

Though I am a superb lecturer leaving my audience uplifted and inspired,
Though I have a profound understanding of metaphysics and the Bible, etc.,
Though I have a tremendous healing record,
Though I am incredibly generous with my wealth helping those in need,
Though I am willing to sacrifice my body in service to others,

... and have not love, it is all worthless. WHAT???? I thought all this WAS love. What is going on here?

The only thing I can figure is that love is not really love if it involves personal sense, a sense of a self apart from God, Who IS Love.   This would explain why the fabulous record of the Christian Science movement of the past turned to doodoo in such a short time. Personal sense faileth every time, no matter how good it is. Principle/Love is imperative and never faileth.

When Jesus proclaimed "Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God." he set the standard for all. Personal sense is dung. Principle/Love is first, last, and always.

"There was never a religion or philosophy lost to the centuries except by sinking its divine Principle in personality." (Miscellany)