Science of being - the atmosphere of God

STUDY (from Clear, Correct Teaching - Eustace):

The practice of Christian Science, like the practice of any science that involves a principle, is concerned only incidentally with the correcting of mistakes.

Just as in mathematics one studies the science of numbers without a thought of correcting problems, so in Christian Science one studies the Science of being, and not the mistakes of so-called being designated as sickness, sin and death. Christian Science is the Science of being and must be studied as unselfishly and impersonally as mathematics.

The understanding of Christian Science, as of mathematics, results spontaneously in the elimination of every mistake.

In both cases the truth of that which is precludes the possibility of the existence of anything unlike that which is.

This fact brings tremendous freedom to thinking. It destroys the mesmeric belief that Christian Science is a method of healing, and reveals it instead as the very Science of being. The realization of this bends energy in the right direction -- that of gaining understanding.

Solomon said, "With all thy getting get understanding."  Understanding is invariably accompanied by wisdom and intelligence, and Christian Science practice is the activity of wisdom and intelligence. 



Bring your observations, thoughts from your study of the above. Does this change how you have been thinking about your practice of CS?


The recording missed the opening Hymn selection 146 and title of reading "Letter to the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Scranton, PA"

Science of being - the atmosphere of God