"Thou shalt have no other gods before me." (Exodus xx. 3.) The First Commandment is my favorite text... It inculcates the tri-unity of God, Spirit, Mind; it signifies that man shall have no other spirit or mind but God, eternal good, and that all men shall have one Mind." (S&H)
1. Identify in your own thought what gods you may have, or have had, before God.
2. Identify in your own experience a spirit other than God, Spirit that you might manifest.
3. Identify in your own experience a mind other than God, Mind.
4. From "A Rule for Motives and Acts," (MBE) "The members of this church must daily watch and pray to be delivered from all evil, from prophesying, judging, counselling, condemning, influencing, or being influenced erroneously." You do not need to be a member of a human organization to see the value in this!! Do you watch daily to be delivered from all evil?
{jumi [playerLink.php] [Sessions/Routing out other gods session.mp3][Routing out other gods]}