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From Miscellaneous Writings, by Mary Baker Eddy:
"If Christ was God, why did Jesus cry out, "My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?"
Even as the struggling heart, reaching toward a higher
goal, appeals to its hope and faith, Why failest thou
me? Jesus as the son of man was human: Christ as
the Son of God was divine. This divinity was reaching
humanity through the crucifixion of the human, — that
momentous demonstration of God, in which Spirit proved
its supremacy over matter. Jesus assumed for mortals the
weakness of flesh, that Spirit might be found "All-in-all."
Hence, the human cry which voiced that struggle;
thence, the way he made for mortals' escape. Our
Master bore the cross to show his power over death;
then relinquished his earth-task of teaching and dem-
onstrating the nothingness of sickness, sin, and death,
and rose to his native estate, man's indestructible eternal
life in God."