Sharing My Experience - Lenni Moore
Recently my practitioner illustrated a point with the following statement from Science & Health that says: “Mentally contradict every complaint from the body, and rise to the true consciousness of Life as Love, — as all that is pure, and bearing the fruits of Spirit.” This was in the context of a conversation we were having about the constant demand to grow spiritually and that when we lose the desire to grow spiritually, the mortal, material picture reasserts itself.
My first thought when I read that statement was to scratch my head because I initially read it solely in the context of physical healing: “contradict every complaint from the body.” That’s what we do when we’re working on a physical problem, right? But that is what is termed the “CS Culture” talking – the thought that only sees Christian Science as a method of healing physical difficulties or situations and doesn’t look beyond that.
It then occurred to me that so many of the thoughts that swirl in my head come in the form of negative suggestions and ideas that would stunt or stop my growth towards God - how it’s too hard to figure out this CS stuff, how worn out I feel with all this “spiritual warfare," how "nothing works" in today’s super-material world. It’s THOSE thoughts – those “complaints” that would try to get me to throw in the towel. Science & Health also reminds us: “Now, as then, signs and wonders are wrought in the metaphysical healing of physical disease; but these signs are ONLY [emphasis added] to demonstrate its divine origin, — to attest the reality of the higher mission of the Christ-power to take away the sins of the world.”
The sins of the world – the ideas that suggest that I’m separate from God, that I’m not growing or don’t want to – these don’t yield willingly or without a fight and the suggestion that I’m too worn down, too alone, the materialism of the world is too out of control, etc. is just the BS of animal magnetism – hypnotizing and demoralizing. Those are the complaints of the world that I need to spend a lot more effort mentally contradicting. “Rise in the conscious strength of the spirit of Truth to overthrow the plea of mortal mind, alias matter, arrayed against the supremacy of Spirit. …God has made man capable of this, and nothing can vitiate the ability and power divinely bestowed on man.” (S&H p390 and also 393)