Supremacy a subject to consider

TEXT: from S&H

If thought is startled at the strong claim of Science
for the supremacy of God, or Truth, and doubts the su-
premacy of good, ought we not, contrari-
wise, to be astounded at the vigorous claims
of evil and doubt them, and no longer think it natural to
love sin and unnatural to forsake it, — no longer imagine
evil to be ever-present and good absent?


1. As a study exercise, do a search on supremacy in S&H, and consider the claims of Science.

2. Honestly consider whether or not you doubt the supremacy of good. Examples please.

3. Honestly consider whether or not you doubt the vigorous claims of evil. Examples please.

4. Do you no longer imagine evil to be ever-present and good absent? regarding what is in the news, etc.


Supremacy a subject to consider