Mental Manipulation

  • Am I on the right path?

    How can I be sure that I am taking the right path?

    Often I hear of an adult still hearing the voice of a parent, or some other significant figure constantly invading his mental household. Although I cannot say I have "that problem," I have no doubt the voices are there at some level.

  • Breaking a hypnotic spell

    How do I know I am hypnotized?

    1. When I seem to have lost a sense of the presence of God.

  • How do you treat someone who is wrong?

    Going around holding someone in thought as wrong, mentally working to correct their wrongness, is itself wrong practice, or mental malpractice. It manifests itself as hatred, and does the most profound damage to the one who is indulging in the malpractice. The one who "is wrong" may feel the hatred, but the hater is rotting his own soul, so to speak and will pay the price of spiritual emptiness, until he stops malpracticing. This is amplified when a group works "in unity" along these lines. 

  • How to respond to news downers

    I don't know about you, but it seems every time I look at the news, there is an underlying tone of hatred and fear. It is mesmeric, and draws me into a very unholy state - disturbing, and in no way constructive. Aha! Another case where I need Truth! If not, I am going to go around with a cloud over my head, perhaps become bitter, demoralized. That can't be right!

  • Mentally trying to make things happen is bad news

    Mentally working to make things happen is using human will-power, and whether you are using Bible statements, or statements from the Christian Science textbook, or sports psychology, or voodoo dolls it is the same stuff. If your motive is to do good, that is better than a motive to do evil, but when it leaves the divine will out of the picture, it is pagan, and ultimately dangerous!

  • Thought control?

    Thought control has an ominous sound to it, especially if it pertains to someone controlling another's thought! Thought control goes hand in hand with will-power.  

    "The hypnotist dispossesses the patient of his individuality in order to control him."  (S&H)