True Christianity
A prayer for the social/economic upheaval of the world
"It is 'a consummation devoutly to be wished' that all nations shall speedily learn and practise the intermediate line of justice between the classes and masses of mankind, and thus exemplify in all things the universal equity of Christianity.” (Miscellany)
"In all things the universal equity of Christianity" is the will of divine Love.
Can universal love and intolerance co-exist?
The following earth-shaking chapter in the Bible presents a challenge to any thinking person. On the one hand, it declares, for the first time anywhere, that God IS love. Nothing could be more universal! On the other hand, it makes a statement that has given rise to the worst intolerance among Christians!
{jumi [playerLink.php] [I John 4.mp3] [I John 4]}
"Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist." What gives? Here is my take:
No Truth needed at a Super Bowl party?
Is there anything in my life that is outside of the jurisdiction of Truth? Do I ever get a break from God? Silly, isn't it. But ironically church "culture" tends to cultivate this. A special place to worship, special times to pray, a life segregated into church activities and "other" activities...
Self-awareness just does not work here
Self-awareness receives a severe rebuke in the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus specifically calls out three activities commonly associated with "good" people, alms-giving, prayer, and fasting. In all three cases, he makes it clear that if you are aware of how you look, how righteous you look, you will have your reward, self-satisfaction? But in order gain God's ear, so to speak, to align yourself with the Principle of being, self-awareness must be gone!
Smooth sailing is anathema to progress
Many hold smooth sailing, or easy progress, as the goal in life. The Socialist ideal is caring for people from the cradle to the grave, minimizing the bumps along the way.
In business, in sports, in the arts, in research, in education, etc. smooth sailing is a recipe for failure - and it is an anathema to spiritual growth, to true Christian living. Why is this?
The Good Samaritan a Christian ideal
"Believing in God never made a Christian." (1st Edition of Science and Health)
What?? I spent a lifetime reciting the Nicene Creed (starts off with "I believe in...) which defines what a Christian must believe. Who did Mary Baker Glover think she was?
Truth makes us free from what?
This morning I opened to "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." (from Paul to the Galations)
What's this all about? Free from what? Paul then went on to say "if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing." "Christ shall be of no effect unto you, whosoever are justified by the law." Ouch!! to those faithful church-going types who do everything they are supposed to do...
What chance have we?
We have a choice, although few choose... either everything is chance or there is no chance. Either existence is made up of good luck and bad luck, or there is no such thing as luck. If chance or luck is legitimate, then we are doomed to amoral non-intelligence, for that is what luck is.
What defines a Christian?
Denying personal sense, having but one God, taking up the cross and following Christ, Truth, is the only Christianity, but doctrines and creeds have little to do with this. (1st Ed S&H)
When religion impedes spiritual growth
Except you are more spiritual than the religious class (scribes and Pharisees), you will never enter the kingdom of heaven, Jesus warned his listeners. Now that was a severe rebuke to the holier-than-thou crowd!
Where is thy God?
{jumi [playerLink.php] [Psalms/Psalm 42.mp3] [This Psalm 42 speaks about those who mock "Where is thy God?"]}