This will be a short session. Please bring some reading that you would like to share.
We will review watching, and use the below for a watch at 9:30.
Re election: Evil, in belief, would create confusion to prevent the electorate from seeing what's what, false accusations and blatant lies just before the election so no time to correct, etc. - like Benghazi just prior to last election - even trying to instigate war!
WATCH: God, good is the only power, the only Mind, the only Principle, perfect clarity because no conflicting interests!!!
Confusion is a hallmark of evil, the supposititious opposite of God, good. As such it has no reality or intelligence or law. It is neither person , place, nor thing, and the electorate cannot be mesmerized by the media, prominent people, etc., into believing it is, for God is the only Mind. The malicious intent behind the confusion will be evident and by God's law of reversal, will have the opposite effect - clarity.
"Undisturbed amid the jarring testimony of the material senses, Science, still enthroned, is unfolding to mortals the immutable, harmonious, divine Principle, — is unfolding Life and the universe, ever present and eternal." S&H