-submitted by Lenni
Recently I found a Carpenter watch that I am using before I do any watching for the world. Its main point: “The way to build through spiritual power and to build up confidence in spiritual power, is first to know that of yourself you can do nothing. Then you must realize that because the power of God is with you, you can do all things; that nothing can stay its hand; that it is always successful; and that there is no conceivable collection of falsity that can stand before it. If you do not start with this realization, you are apt to use the human will alone.”
With that warning in mind, I found this watch (below) in WPA that I’m using to pray for the world. I modified it to emphasize the brotherhood of man in God, and to lift my thought into that brotherhood.
WATCH – Just go alone and close your eyes, and in the depths of your own consciousness say over and over again, I am, I am, I am, I am. Your whole being will be filled with the sense of power to overcome, the power to accomplish, the power to do all things.
I am because Thou art (Mind is) – I am.
- Every person on this planet, my brothers and sisters, are because Thou art (Mind is) – I am.
I am what Thou art (Mind is) – I am.
- They, my brothers and sisters, are what Thou art (Mind is).
I am where Thou art (Mind is) – I am.
- None of us are separated from Mind.
I am one with Thee (Mind), oh! Thou infinite I AM.
- All are one with God – and hear his voice, his thoughts of “peace and not evil.”
I am good. (They are good because God is good – no evil suggestion can take root.)
I am well. (They are well because God is one and that one perfect.)
I am absolutely satisfied. (They are satisfied … “Thou preparest a table before me..”
I am, spoken upward towards the good, the true, is sure to out-picture in visible good, in success, in happiness, in abundance.