Are robots driving us to Spirit?
It is said that robots will be replacing humans in a large portion of jobs in the next few decades years, everything from bank tellers, to anesthesiologist and other physicians. What's with these robots anyway? Will I soon be superfluous?
Can the infinite just sit there forever?
"The floodtides of Life, Truth, and Love are pouring and surging through consciousness." (MBE)
Could it be otherwise? Can the infinite just sit there for ever? What a bore that would be! For that matter, can consciousness stay put? Try it! Ain't gonna happen.
Look who's talking
"Hearing voices" is usually associated with those who "have issues." Well, our consciousness is always active. Is it not a form of unspoken talking? "What a beautiful day! I am so happy. I feel anxious. I am not feeling well. I am a failure"
Possession nine tenths of the law
Too often we carry around a list of character traits and habits which we own. The undesirable ones we may even hate and make sporadic attempts to get rid of, but all the while we are in a state of possession. Is it any wonder they cling to us so tenaciously? "Possession is nine tenths of the law" applies here!