Divine Science
Evolution of man a dangerous myth
Based upon the earliest Bible records, the heart of man has not evolved one iota over thousands of years. Job’s pride, shame, fear, self-righteousness, as well as his capacity for redemption, the materialism and sensualism of Sodom and Gomorrah - are these not characteristic of the modern man’s heart? Take any ancient Bible character, and you will find the same human heart that we are quite familiar with.
Jealous love cannot be good, right?
God is a jealous God, so the Bible says, absolutely intolerant of other gods. It also states that God is love. Contradiction? Or perfect sense?...my ramblings:
Wherever there are principles or fundamental laws, in math, music, etc., you could say there is intolerance to deviation from these principles, could you not? A little mistake here, a little mistake there just does not cut it. Even though you cannot see these principles, it is understood that they exist, and they are unyielding.
My notes on Biocentrism
Is this leavening of truth? WARNING! This one will require a little more time and concentration.
In an earlier blog I mentioned Biocentrism, and its intriguing similarities to Mary Baker Eddy's Divine Science - and I promised to get back to it after reading the book - by Dr. Robert Lanza, a world-renowned scientist. The seven principles of Biocentrism are in bold below - my comments not in bold:
Soul outside the body
Soul outside the body - is that so outrageous? Nobody has ever found it within the body, and the anatomy has been pretty thoroughly explored. Out-of-body experiences are commonly reported; musicians and other performers strive for that space where the limitations of body are completely forgotten.
There is always something you can do
In our last post, we addressed the ability to sense the approach of danger, but we left off what to do about it.
We ought to ask ourselves, Would a good God provide us with the ability (spiritual sense) to sense danger and then leave us helpless? Impossible! The suggestion that we can do nothing, that we are helpless, is framed by the devil, so-to-speak. It is the nature of the evil one, or the one evil, to mesmerize into inactivity. When we are wise to this, we will have confidence in our God-given ability to overcome the danger.
Truth makes us free from what?
This morning I opened to "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." (from Paul to the Galations)
What's this all about? Free from what? Paul then went on to say "if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing." "Christ shall be of no effect unto you, whosoever are justified by the law." Ouch!! to those faithful church-going types who do everything they are supposed to do...
We have not yet seen the half of it!
Opened to this this morning: "As mortals gain more correct views of God and man, multitudinous objects of creation, which before were invisible, will become visible." (S&H)
I think I have had a glimpse of this, when I get my head out of the sand of negativity, and look around to see how magnificent people are, how beautiful the trees and flowers, the birds, etc. "It is a wonderment!"
What to make of nasty events and people?
Biocentrism is a popular new explanation for life and the universe by Dr. Lanza, one of the most highly regarded scientists of our time. Consciousness came first, and matter a temporal outcome... Sounds a lot like the revelation of Mary Baker Eddy. I have bought the book and will peruse it before presenting a comparison.