Spiritual sense

  • How does one differentiate between good and evil?

    You have to be pretty bigoted to claim to know exactly where good ends and evil begins. Shakespeare recognized "There is neither good nor bad but thinking makes it so." This is the human condition! So how can we discern what we need to.

  • How to think?

    I was speaking with someone recently who was bewailing the fact that people in general are never taught how to think. Some folks think, think, think but are just spinning their wheels, not getting anywhere. Others think themselves into a box, and are limited on all sides. Others go from one problem to another and never seem to get a break. We might say these are all victims of their own thinking.

  • There is always something you can do

    In our last post, we addressed the ability to sense the approach of danger, but we left off what to do about it.

    We ought to ask ourselves, Would a good God provide us with the ability (spiritual sense) to sense danger and then leave us helpless? Impossible! The suggestion that we can do nothing, that we are helpless, is framed by the devil, so-to-speak. It is the nature of the evil one, or the one evil, to mesmerize into inactivity. When we are wise to this, we will have confidence in our God-given ability to overcome the danger.

  • What is it that gets cut off?

    {jumi [playerLink.php] [Psalms/Psalm 37.mp3] [I opened to Psalm 37 this morning,]}

    and noticed in several places that the wicked shall be "cut off." Cut off from what I asked? From spiritual sense, came the answer. What does this mean? 

  • What is my truth detector?

    We have all heard of the pattern - ten witnesses of one event will describe ten different versions of that one event. In the news, one day we read that the world had the warmest year on record, the next day we read the Antarctica ice is growing at a phenomenal rate and we have been entering a mini-ice age for the last decade.

  • What to make of nasty events and people?

    Biocentrism is a popular new explanation for life and the universe by Dr. Lanza, one of the most highly regarded scientists of our time. Consciousness came first, and matter a temporal outcome... Sounds a lot like the revelation of Mary Baker Eddy. I have bought the book and will peruse it before presenting a comparison.

  • Where is God on Mother's Day?

    An extreme wave of sentimentality overcame me this morning. Ah yes, it is Mother's Day. Anything wrong with sentimentality? Mother's Day was said to be the busiest day for long-distance phone calls. Isn't it a good thing that people express gratitude to their mother? I ask: Once a year???

  • Who can I trust?

    Let's see now.

    Can I trust the media to inform me what is true? If you ask ten people about what they saw of an incident, you get ten different versions of "reality." If the media agrees on anything, you can be sure it is a narrative guided by those who have decided what you should think - not too reliable!